HTML5 Events Handler List

  • Following all event handlers Window Event Attributes, Form Events, Keyboard Events, Mouse Events, Media Events are support in all HTML5 Tags.

  • Global event attributes that's added to a HTML elements to define event and fired when occur specific action.

Window Event Attributes

Window Events triggered for a window object and apply in <body> tag

Attributes Value Description In HTML5?
onafterprint js_script Script is run after the document is printed NEW
onbeforeprint js_script Script is run before the document is printed NEW
onbeforeunload js_script Script is run before the document is unloaded NEW
onerror js_script Script is run when any error occur NEW
onhaschange js_script Script is run when document has changed NEW
onload js_script Event fires after the page loading finished  
onmessage js_script Script is run when document goes in offline NEW
onoffline js_script Script is run when document comes in online NEW
onpagehide js_script Script is run when document window is hidden NEW
onpageshow js_script Script is run when document window become visible NEW
onpopstate js_script Script is run when document window history changes NEW
onredo js_script Script is run when document perform redo NEW
onresize js_script Event fires when browser window is resized NEW
onstorage js_script Script is run when web storage area is updated NEW
onundo js_script Script is run when document performs undo NEW
onunload js_script Event fires when browser window has been closed  

Form Events

Form Events triggered by perform some action inside HTML form elements.

Attributes Value Description In HTML5?
onblur js_script Event fire when element loses focus  
onchange js_script Event fire when element value is changed  
oncontextmenu js_script Event fire when context menu is triggered NEW
onfocus js_script Event fire when element gets focus  
onformchange js_script Event fire when form changes NEW
onforminput js_script Event fire when form get input field  
oninput js_script Event fire when element get input field NEW
oninvalid js_script Event fire when element is invalid NEW
onreset js_script Event fire when clicked on form reset button REMOVE
onselect js_script Event fire after allow to select text in an element  
onsubmit js_script Event fire when form is submitted  

Keyboard Events

Attributes Value Description In HTML5?
onkeydown js_script Event fire when pressing a key  
onkeypress js_script Event fire when press a key  
onkeyup js_script Event fire when releases a key  

Mouse Events

Mouse Events triggered by mouse action.

Attributes Value Description In HTML5?
onclick js_script Event fire when mouse click on element  
ondblclick js_script Event fire when mouse double click on element  
ondrag js_script Script is run when element is dragged NEW
ondragend js_script Script is run at end of drag operation NEW
ondragenter js_script Script is run when element has dragged to a valid drop target NEW
ondragleave js_script Script is run when element leaves valid drop target NEW
ondragover js_script Script is run when element is dragged over on valid drop target NEW
ondragstart js_script Script is run at start of drag operation NEW
ondrop js_script Script is run when dragged element is dropped NEW
onmousedown js_script Event fire when mouse button is pressed down on element  
onmousemove js_script Event fire when mouse pointer moves over an element  
onmouseout js_script Event fire when mouse pointer moves out an element  
onmouseover js_script Event fire when mouse pointer moves over on element  
onmouseup js_script Event fire when mouse button is released over an element  
onmousewheel js_script Event fire when mouse wheel being rotated NEW
onscroll js_script Event fire when element scrollbar being scrolled NEW

Media Events

Media Events triggered by common media elements like <img>, <audio>, <embed>, <object>, and <video>.

Attributes Value Description In HTML5?
onabort js_script Script is run when element is abort  
oncanplay js_script Script is run when file is ready for start playing NEW
oncanplaythrough js_script Script is run when file is played all way without pausing for buffering NEW
ondurationchange js_script Script is run when media length changes NEW
onemptied js_script Script is run when something unavailable/disconnects NEW
onended js_script Script is run when media has reach to end position NEW
onerror js_script Script is run when error occurs file loaded time NEW
onloadeddata js_script Script is run when media is loaded NEW
onloadedmetadata js_script Script is run when meta data are loaded NEW
onloadstart js_script Script is run when file being loaded NEW
onpause js_script Script is run when media is paused NEW
onplay js_script Script is run when media is ready to start playing NEW
onplaying js_script Script is run when media is actually start for playing NEW
onprogress js_script Script is run when browser is process of getting media data NEW
onratechange js_script Script is run when playback rate changes NEW
onreadystatechange js_script Script is run when ready state changes for each time NEW
onseeked js_script Script is run when seeking attribute value set to false, that indicate seeking has ended NEW
onseeking js_script Script is run when seeking attribute value set to true, that indicate seeking has active NEW
onstalled js_script Script is run when browser is unable to fetch media data for any reason NEW
onsuspend js_script Script is run when fetching media data is stopped before it is completely loaded for any reason NEW
ontimeupdate js_script Script is run when playing position has changed NEW
onvolumechange js_script Script is run each time volume is changed NEW
onwaiting js_script Script is run when media has paused(for buffer more data) NEW