jQuery Event Methods with Examples

jQuery Event Methods allow you to attach a function to an event handler for the selected elements. jQuery event methods represents the action that perform for a specific times. Following are jQuery event methods

jQuery Method Description
bind() Attach one or more event handlers to elements
Deprecated in jQuery 3.0. Use the on() method instead of this
blur() This event occurs when an element loses a focus
change() This event occurs when the value has been changed on selected element. Works only for <input>, <textarea>, and <select> elements
click() This event occurs when an element is clicked
dblclick() This event occurs when an element is double clicked
delegate() This event occurs when attaches one or more event handlers for specific elements that are child of selected elements
Deprecated in jQuery 3.0. Use the on() method instead of this
die() This method removes one or more event handlers, used with the live() method, for the selected elements
Removed in jQuery 1.9
error() This event occurs when selected element occur an error for example element not loaded correctly
Removed in jQuery 3.0
event.pageX This event occurs when mouse position relative to the left edge of the document
event.pageY This event occurs when mouse position relative to the top edge of the document
event.timeStamp When the event is triggered, it will returns the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970
event.which When the event is triggered, it will returns the number of which keyboard key or mouse button was pressed
focus() This event occurs when selected element gets focus
focusin() This event occurs when selected element or any elements inside it gets focus
focusout() This event occurs when selected element or any elements inside it loses focus
hover() This event occurs when the mouse pointer hovers over the selected elements
keydown() This event occurs when a keyboard key is on way to press down
keypress() This event occurs when a keyboard key is pressed down
keyup() This event occurs when a keyboard key is released up
live() This event occurs when attaches one or more event handlers for selected elements and execute specified function
Removed in jQuery 1.9
load() This event occurs when a specified element has been loaded
Removed in jQuery 3.0
mousedown() This event occurs when a mouse button is pressed down on the selected element
mouseenter() This event occurs when a mouse pointer is enters into the selected element
mouseleave() This event occurs when a mouse pointer is leaves the selected element
mousemove() This event occurs when a mouse pointer moves with in the selected element
mouseout() This event occurs when a mouse pointer is leaves any child elements as well as the selected element
mouseover() This event occurs when a mouse pointer is enters into any child elements as well as the selected element
mouseup() This event occurs when a mouse button is released over the selected element
ready() This event occurs when the document object model (DOM) is fully loaded
select() This event occurs when a text is selected in a text field or textarea.
submit() This event occurs when a form is submitted.
unload() This event occurs when the user perform any page away action such as close window, page reload, forward/back buttons etc
Removed in jQuery 3.0